Monday, June 8, 2015

"Ladies, Don't Let this Happen to You!"

It's maxi and sun dress season.  This is a good thing and also a very bad thing if we don't do things right.  As you can see in the above pictures these are examples of embracing the maxi & sundress season the wrong way.  We don't want our panty lines showing, nor do we want anyone to see straight through our dresses.  We want to keep our goodies a cherished secret.  Also, there is nothing more embarrassing than taking a moment to rest in the cool of the shade and then get up and feel that dress wedgie.  Then we look around and hope that no one else saw it and pull it out quickly as possible.

Well, ladies, there is an undergarment that can correct all of these issues and it doesn't cost a lot.  You might be able to go to Auntie's or Grandma's dresser to find one and it just might be free!  It's called a slip.  I am not sure when it went out of style but it never should have.  I see so many who could benefit from one and sometimes I tell them if they are teenagers because that's when my Aunt Sarah taught me about the benefits of wearing one.  If she never would have told me I probably would have continued to allow that uncomfortable feeling of the dress going between my legs when I walked.  My Aunt Sarah simply said to me, "A slip would stop all of that."  A slip also helps smooth out your frame under the dress.  So, I went out and bought two of them and I have been using them ever since.

There is nothing old fashion about a slip.  It's a small price to pay to avoid a big fashion don't!  When a woman makes the above fashion faux pas it truly takes away from the style, femininity and elegance of any dress.

You can buy a slip as low as $2.70 on Amazon.  You can also find them at Sears, JC Penny, Khols, Nordstrom's, & Macy's.  Here is the link to purchase from Amazon:

Happy Maxi & Sundress Season!!!  It's fun being a girl!  Enjoy!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Soror this is a necessary topic to eyes have been assaulted all summer! Lol! I just found your blog from the NE Region group....I'll be stopping by from time to time.
